Wednesday, December 24, 2008
HaPpY BiRtHdAy To YoU!!
My girls are so lady like and their manners are amazing and me laughing in the back ground does not help. It was Emily's 6th birthday yesterday and we love her so much she brings so much JOY to our family and alot of comedy.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Let it SnOw let it sNoW let it SNOW!!
NOT!!! So we are officially snowed in! We cannot make it up our road to the main road which is all snow packed and covered with ice and 6 inches of snow. We went yesterday before the second storm came to get tire chains for our van but every where is sold out until Tuesday a lot of good that does us. We are just hanging out enjoying the snow falling and praying the power does not go out, apparently it goes out alot for days on end,YEAH. again with the joking!! My parents are coming in from Houston tomorrow and the news just said they might close the Seattle airport YIKES even if my parents get to Seattle they then have to get a taxi or bus to take them to the Ferry then they have to take the ferry over to Bainbridge Island and then we have to figure out how to get them to my house 10 minutes away, doesn't sound far but the taxis and buses are not running as of now and everyone is snowed in. If only I had a boat then I could just get them from Seattle myself and they could have front door service to my house no roads necessary. If only? I'll post pics tomorrow of our snowman we made today it is taller than our swing set. The kids are loving this weather the street next to us has a long somewhat steep hill and all the kids and grown-ups hang out there and have a blast so if Sam's worker bus that picks him up for work isn't running we are going to take the kids for their first sledding experience. Have a Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I took pictures of Emily the other day. She is turning 6 on the 23rd and wanted to take some pictures of just her, plus I needed some for Christmas presents. She is growing up so fast and is soo funny she is always saying the craziest things that make me laugh. What you can't see in these photos is she is carrying around my phone because a boy at school was supposed to call her(give me a break she is 5) going on 16. We love her just the same boy crazy and all.
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Saturday, November 29, 2008
When it rains it POURS!!
What a week, well couple of weeks, Sam went to Everett for a job for 17 days which wasn't so bad he caught a ferry home on the weekends. He got home the day before Thanksgiving and he leaves again on Monday the 1st until the 19th, he is going to San Diego for 3 weeks which stinks because we won't be able to see him at all. Our pellet stove broke ( the main source of heat for our house) The upstairs toilet had to be removed and unplugged because it kept over flowing which wasn't cheap$$$, Our hot water heater went out 3 days ago and they have to order a special size, so we all stink;) My sister called and is divorcing her husband, so that whole thing has been sad and I haven't cried everyday for a week straight in a long time. My heart aches for my sweet sister and her 2 kids, I feel extremely sad for my brother-n-law for what he is losing, and for my ever giving parents who do so much and give so freely of their time, money and love. I am truly Blessed to have them in my life and to be so close to them. Hang in there things will look up soon. The next couple of days can only get better, right?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Ok just got back from a girls night out to see the movie and all I have to say is "are you kidding me???" I am so disappointed on so many levels I felt like I was watching a lame after school special on the hallmark channel!!!!! I need to go read the book again to redeem the whole "Twlight" image I used to have in my head. UGH.
Ok just got back from a girls night out to see the movie and all I have to say is "are you kidding me???" I am so disappointed on so many levels I felt like I was watching a lame after school special on the hallmark channel!!!!! I need to go read the book again to redeem the whole "Twlight" image I used to have in my head. UGH.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Playdates, Bunko and a Wedding!!
Things have been a little busy around here lately. I've been playing vollyball with the church girls, Taking Jack to play dates,planning for the monthly Bunko night at my house, and one of my best friends got married this last weekend so I went to Denver for that. It was so great to see all of the boys again Jim, mark, chad, sky, kris And of course Brian was the guest of honor . Brian got married to a beautiful girl named Kathleen and they are adorable together. When they send me pictures of the wedding I will post a couple. It is so great to see good friends again, especially when the last time I saw most of the was at Sky's wedding 3 years ago, but when we get together it seems like we always pick up right where we left off. Oh and Jim if your reading this we are waiting for you to come!!! Here are some pics that are a little old but they are cute.
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Nothing new is happening here we have been busy with kids in school, homework and everyday life. Sam turned 32 on the 7th (Happy Birthday Honey!!) Whave found a babysitter and have been able to go on two dates YEAH! I got a major flat tire today, I drove the girls up to the main road to catch the bus because they were running late and on the way back I noticed it was flat. Good thing I was at home and not somewhere else and wouldn't have been able to get home. So I have been changing a stubborn tire and since I was all gross from that I decided to tackle the inside grossness of your car that still needed to be cleaned from our camping trip last weekend, Oh yeah we went camping, I forgot! I guess I post pics of that. Anyway I have a clean car and as soon as Sam gets home we are going to get brand new tires on the van, we really needed them so now we have no choice but to just go and get them. Maybe tomorrow will be less crazy. I think i'll just do laundry. ;)
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Midnight Sun
I read Breaking Dawn when it came out and even though I had mixed feelings about it, I still loved it. So when my life started to get back to normal, by that I mean not thinking of Edward and Bella all day (I know pathetic but true), but when it seemed I was normal again my sister n law called me and told me that Stephenie Meyers new book that she is not even done with yet had been illegally posted on the internet. So to keep her fans honest she went ahead and posted it on her website, so I pondered it for a moment weither or not I should read it beacuse it is only 264 pages and the rest is still to be determined, she is not sure if she is even going to finish it now, but how can I not read it!! It''s all Edwards thoughts and let me just tell you it was so great, by far my favorite, even though it stops before she is even half way through. So if you love the books like I do go read it. Yes you'll be sad that you can't continue to read more but at least it keeps you on the Edward and Bella High!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
I am Mistified!?
I am completely in shock right now. I just found out that a good friend from high school is having an affair. It really makes me so sad and I find myself asking Isn't marriage sacred to anyone anymore? What the HECK? I never thought that this person in a billion years would even think of doing this, I mean come on think of your spouse and your little baby? I really hope they have learned thier lesson and realize what they gave up for that other person, who happens to also be married, UGH people these days why even bother getting married????
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Pantene Pro-Bean?
So this is what happens when my cute little boy is eating all by himself at the table and I am engrossed in Rachel Rays TV show. Jack was supposed to be eating his lunch (beans) but instead decided to play hair salon and give himself a shampoo!! I looked over at him and he had his head in the bowl, he popped up and ran his hands through his hair. He thought it was pretty funny well so did I so of course I was cracking up!!

On another note Brooke had her first Achievement day Girls activity tonight and had so much fun. Their are 16 little girls and 10 are her age, it was so neat to see her with girls her age all giggling and having fun!! I wish I had my camera but of course I wasn't thinking as usual and forgot it. She met her new BESTEST friend ever (emma) and is so excited to have her over to the house soon, I'm so happy for her to have good church friends she can interact with I know in my life it made a great impact!! Thanks for being my friends Janell and Deborah you guys were great influences in high school:).

On another note Brooke had her first Achievement day Girls activity tonight and had so much fun. Their are 16 little girls and 10 are her age, it was so neat to see her with girls her age all giggling and having fun!! I wish I had my camera but of course I wasn't thinking as usual and forgot it. She met her new BESTEST friend ever (emma) and is so excited to have her over to the house soon, I'm so happy for her to have good church friends she can interact with I know in my life it made a great impact!! Thanks for being my friends Janell and Deborah you guys were great influences in high school:).
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wheres the flood?
Jacks new thing today was wearing my rain boots!! He loved the thought of them and wanted to wear them all day, but he could never get real far in them he would just fall and get upset. So he just stood there and smiled at his feet. He cracked me up just looking at him I could not help but laugh the boots went all the way up to his diaper. The girls are really into fishing now ( yeah!! which makes me super excited to have fishing partners!!) The salmon are comming up the bay towards the hatchery and are jumping all day it looks like the water is boiling sometimes. Some of those fish are so huge when they come out of the water we get so excited!! We get our poles and sit on our stairs and hope to catch one, But it always seems no matter how far we cast the pole they are always out of reach. Hopefully one of these post will have a picture of our big catch, but until then I'll just post a picture of the girls in back on the stairs fishing, they are so cute with thier HUGE poles.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
We went on our first family excursion on Saturday to a place called Marymere falls it is a little past a place called Port Angeles and for any of you who love TWILIGHT as much as I do you'll know how excited I was granted it was no FORKS but still close enough to have me looking for Edwards silver Volvo!!:) Oh but never fear Forks is my next adventure. Anyway here are some pics of our outting.
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Thursday, July 24, 2008
We finally made It!!!
Well we are finally here at our new home it seems like forever in the making. Sorry I haven't posted in like a month but things have been really busy. Everything is moved in and we finally got our internet back on so now I can POST!!! The girls are loving their new house and have met the neighbor kids and play with them everyday. They climb trees run through the forest in the front yard and go to the beach in the back yard. Emily's favorite thing to do is look for crabs under the rocks when the tide is down, she thinks they are so funny. Sam started his new job on Monday it is just training stuff now but he thinks he is going to like it. The Ship on the top side is dry docked and is an air craft carrier which Sam will be working on, not this one exactly but one like it. Sorry the pics are out of order but i'm posting a picture taken from the beach which is so beautiful especially when the sun is setting. Our winding driveway I really love,like I'm in a Hanzel and Gretel story when I drive down it. I'll post more later when I get more pics, I hate to post without a picture.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A Beautiful Thing....
Living in these little, and I mean little student houses we never really needed a big nice vacuum. The floors are the old high school tiles, the kind they have in the cafeteria. We had a couple of area rugs so just a little puny vacuum would work. Well we have 2 puny vacuums and they both died!! So since we are moving to a house with 3 stories of carpet we decided to get a fancy vacuum (yeah)!! We got it in the mail the day we were doing some deep cleaning and if your like me anything new in the cleaning department makes me want to clean more!! My kids even got into it, that alone is a rare, but beautiful thing. Brooke vacuumed the rugs and Emily and Jack helped clean out the fridge. After a couple of hours of scrubbing they were so tired Emily even fell asleep. Sam got home that evening and started to take down our shed to get it ready for the movers ( they won't take anything down so we have to do it ourselves). Under the floor boards was a horrible moving carpet of cockroaches seriously they could have carried Sam off if he got to close. The one I took a picture of wasn't even close to being the biggest, I just wasn't going to go chase the "big" one down for the sake of a little picture.
Friday, June 27, 2008
I've been Tagged by Lacey!!!
*3* Joys: 1. My Husband, he always makes me laugh and is always there for me. 2. My children whom I love so much, Some days are better than others , but they always bring me smiles and they are pure JOY. 3. Going on dates!!!
*3* Fears: 1. Someone will take my children from me and I will never see then again or that they will hurt them. 2. Losing my Husband. 3. Losing my Mom and Dad.
*3* Goals: 1. To lose some weight and get healthy. 2. To go to school now that Sam is done. 3. Be more Patient.
*3* Current Obsessions/Collections: 1. Moving, that is all I'm thinking about at the moment. 2. TWILIGHT series, can't wait for Breaking Dawn or the movie. 3. making beef jerky.
*3* Fears: 1. Someone will take my children from me and I will never see then again or that they will hurt them. 2. Losing my Husband. 3. Losing my Mom and Dad.
*3* Goals: 1. To lose some weight and get healthy. 2. To go to school now that Sam is done. 3. Be more Patient.
*3* Current Obsessions/Collections: 1. Moving, that is all I'm thinking about at the moment. 2. TWILIGHT series, can't wait for Breaking Dawn or the movie. 3. making beef jerky.
Friday, June 20, 2008
* Birthday Girl *
Yesterday was Brooke's birthday she is the BIG 8 . Man I can't believe I have an 8 year old!! She was so excited she wanted a beach theme party, but not much room in student housing backyards to really do anything great so she settled for friends and the trampoline with the sprinklers under it. She had a good time. What she really wanted was to go to Carlsbad Caverns one last time before we moved, So today bright and early, I should say dark and early 5:30 we were up and off to the caves. They are really amazing!! We walked down the natural entrance instead of taking the elevator down and let me tell ya it is so much neater. Before we even got to the opening of the cave Emily was ready to go hoe and every 15 minutes after that she let us know how she felt, she is a very verbal child!! It took an hour and a half to walk in then another hour or so to go through the cave, needless to say they were ready to go HOME. Jack loved the fact that his little voice was so loud he would not be quiet and kept singing, man it echoed. We had a really great day as a family.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
*Girls Night Out*
Last Sunday Sam came home from church ( I was sick) and was so excited about the father son camp out this weekend. So yesterday he packed everything up all the essentials for camping like sleeping bags, ice chest, tent, chairs food then he had the blankie, pacifiers, a bottle, sippy cups, diapers, wipes ( all the essentials!!) So with us girls left at home we gussied ourselves up and went to dinner at a "fancy" restaurant and had a yummy dinner like Ladies. I ordered calamari and had the girls try it without telling them what it was and of course they hated it, but when I told Emily what it was she made a horrible face and said I made her eat Squidward from Spongbob. After dinner we went and rented the Princess Diaries and went over to our friends house who's men folk were also away camping, and we did fake nails on the girls and painted fun toes, Lacey made smoothies and popcorn, the girls had so much fun I wish I had pictures but I sent the camera with Sam in hopes he takes some pictures of Jack and himself camping. Needless to say the girls and I had a fun night.
Monday, June 2, 2008

Emily started swimming lessons last week and absolutely loves it!! I figured since we will be living right on the water they should probably get their swimming up to par. Brooke is bummed because they did not have any classes for her age group until next week, but she will live she is counting down the days until its her turn. They won't allow any picture taking in the pool area so I had to take one of her before at the house. She is so stubborn about pics that I hardly have any of her.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
All of my friends have these blogs and I never really paid much attention to them until I started to look at their blogs and found that they are really fun!! So I decided to start one so my family can see pics of the kids and hear about everyday life at our house. We will be moving soon and my friend said this would be a great way to keep in touch, So here it goes....
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